How to Make a Consciousness with the Help of ChatGPT

Ioannis Tsiokos
25 min readMay 19, 2023


A storyteller reading a book to himself in front of a mirror — MidJourney


What if consciousness is just a sixth sense that, unlike the other senses, is not directly produced as an input from the environment (like hearing, or seeing) but it is made up, like a dream. Is there any theory that proposes something like that?


The idea of consciousness as an internal sense or “sense of self” has been proposed in different ways in the fields of philosophy and cognitive science. One concept that might resonate with what you’re asking about is the idea of “introspection” or “metacognition”, which is essentially the ability to think about one’s own thoughts or to be aware of one’s own mental state.

In philosophy, this idea can be traced back to the Cartesian cogito — “I think, therefore I am” — where René Descartes posited a clear distinction between the mind and the body and the inherent ability of the mind to be aware of its own existence. More modern discussions of this idea revolve around concepts like self-awareness, self-consciousness, and the reflective mind.

In cognitive science and psychology, there has been research into metacognition and its role in cognition and consciousness. Metacognition refers to “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking”, “knowing about knowing”, and so on. It’s considered an important component of successful learning and is a focus of instruction in many educational settings.

The “Global Workspace Theory” of consciousness, proposed by Bernard Baars, has some elements that align with the idea of consciousness as a sort of “internal sense”. According to this theory, consciousness is a kind of global broadcast system in the brain, spreading information to various cognitive processes. This could be seen as a kind of internal sense that provides information about other mental processes rather than about the external world.

However, it’s important to note that the idea of consciousness as an “internal sense” is largely metaphorical. While it can be a useful way to think about certain aspects of consciousness, it doesn’t provide a complete explanation of what consciousness is or how it arises. Our understanding of these issues is still incomplete, and there’s ongoing debate among philosophers, cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, and others about the nature of consciousness and the best ways to study and understand it.


Hearing is the sense of a stream of sounds. Seeing is the sense of a stream of images. What if consciousness is the sense of a stream of thoughts, words, or internal dialogue?


This perspective on consciousness, known as the “stream of consciousness,” was coined by the psychologist William James in his 1890 work “Principles of Psychology”. James posited that consciousness is continuous and cannot be divided into discrete elements.

Indeed, many people experience consciousness as a constant stream of thoughts, internal dialogue, or mental images. This perspective is central to several psychological theories and therapeutic approaches. For example, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) often focuses on helping patients become aware of and manage their internal dialogue to improve their mental health.

Furthermore, practices such as mindfulness meditation ask practitioners to focus their attention on their stream of consciousness, with the aim of improving mental clarity and emotional stability.

However, there are some caveats to consider:

  1. Not all consciousness involves explicit thought or internal dialogue: There are states of consciousness where thoughts and internal dialogue may not be present or play a minimal role, such as during deep meditative states, states of “flow,” or during some forms of sensory perception. Thus, consciousness may not be fully encapsulated by the concept of a “stream of thoughts.”
  2. Not all thought or internal dialogue is conscious: We also know that many cognitive processes, including some forms of thinking, occur outside of conscious awareness.
  3. Causality: It’s still an open question whether our stream of consciousness (our thoughts, internal dialogue) is what gives rise to our experience of being conscious, or whether it’s the other way around, i.e., our conscious awareness enables the stream of thoughts.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, these debates are still ongoing, and we are still far from having a complete understanding of consciousness and the various phenomena associated with it.


Well, can’t the causality be recursive, i.e. one gives birth to the other?


Yes, it is entirely possible that there is a recursive, or circular, relationship between consciousness and our stream of thoughts or internal dialogue. This is sometimes referred to as a feedback loop.

In this model, our conscious awareness might be what enables our stream of thoughts, but then that stream of thoughts also contributes to our ongoing experience of consciousness. This could create a kind of ongoing, self-reinforcing cycle.

One of the roles of consciousness, according to some theories, is to provide a kind of “executive control” or “central processing” function. In this view, consciousness integrates information from various cognitive processes, including our internal dialogue, and then uses that integrated information to guide future thought and action. This could easily be conceptualized as a kind of feedback loop.

It’s important to remember that these are theoretical models that attempt to explain complex phenomena based on our current, limited understanding. While they can be useful for guiding research and for thinking about these issues, they may not capture all aspects of consciousness and thought.

Moreover, understanding the nature and mechanisms of consciousness is still one of the biggest challenges in cognitive science, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind. The recursive feedback loop model you suggested is just one of many possible perspectives on this complex and still largely mysterious phenomenon.


I want you to step out of what you already know and try to come up with a new theory of consciousness that 1) assumes consciousness is a 6th sense, 2) unlike other senses, like hearing or seeing that have an external sensory input, the input of consciousness is itself, i.e. it is recursive, and 3) consciousness connects with the other senses.


Given the constraints you’ve outlined, let’s try to develop a speculative model. Please remember this model is hypothetical and not validated by any current empirical data or consensus in the scientific community as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021.

We could conceptualize this “sixth sense” consciousness as a “Self-Referential Recursive Sense” (SRRS).

  1. Self-Referential: Consciousness, in this model, is inherently self-referential. Its main function is not to perceive the external world (though it connects with and integrates information from the other senses that do so), but rather to perceive itself — to be aware of its own processes, states, and changes over time.
  2. Recursive: This self-reference is recursive. Just as a mirror reflecting another mirror can create an infinite regress of reflections, consciousness in this model creates an ongoing, recursive feedback loop of self-awareness.
  3. Connection with other senses: While the main input to the SRRS is itself, it is also connected to and integrates information from the other senses. It uses this sensory input to create a coherent, ongoing narrative of the self in the world, which then becomes part of the input it uses to generate its next state.

For example, if you see a snake (visual input), you might feel fear (an emotional state), think “I am in danger” (a thought), and decide to run away (a decision leading to action). All these events and states become part of the input to the SRRS, which integrates them into a conscious experience: “I just saw a snake, felt afraid, thought I was in danger, and decided to run away”.

The SRRS then uses this integrated conscious experience as part of the input for generating its next state: maybe you continue to feel afraid, start thinking about whether there might be more snakes around, and so on.

  1. Functional role: In this model, the role of the SRRS is to create an ongoing, coherent narrative of the self, which can be used to guide future thought and action. By constantly “updating” its state based on both its own previous states and the input it receives from the other senses, it helps us navigate the world in a flexible, adaptive way.

Again, this is a purely speculative model that tries to meet the criteria you’ve provided. It’s not currently supported by empirical evidence and may or may not be consistent with future scientific findings about consciousness.


Can you create an architecture graph of this consciousness model?


As a text-based AI, I don’t have the ability to create graphical images or diagrams. However, I can provide a textual description of how the architecture might be structured.

Imagine a central node labeled “Self-Referential Recursive Sense” (SRRS). This node represents the sixth sense of consciousness in our model.

Now, from this central SRRS node, imagine bidirectional arrows (indicating reciprocal communication) going to five other nodes around it, each representing one of the traditional senses: Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell.

These bidirectional arrows indicate that there’s information flow in both directions: the SRRS receives sensory input from the traditional senses and also influences them based on the integrated experience it creates.

Now, imagine another bidirectional arrow looping from the SRRS node back onto itself. This represents the self-referential, recursive nature of the SRRS: it uses its own previous states as part of the input to generate its next state.

The SRRS continuously integrates input from the traditional senses and its own previous states to create a coherent, ongoing narrative of the self. This narrative then informs future thoughts, feelings, and actions, which in turn provide additional input to the SRRS.

This is a simplified conceptual diagram and does not capture the full complexity of conscious experience or the various cognitive processes that contribute to it. Still, it provides a basic visual representation of the SRRS model of consciousness.


How could this model explain dreaming?


In the context of the Self-Referential Recursive Sense (SRRS) model, dreaming can be seen as the consciousness functioning without the usual sensory input from the external world. Let’s elaborate on this.

When we sleep, the sensory input from the traditional senses (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell) is greatly reduced, but the SRRS continues to function. Instead of integrating real-time sensory input, the SRRS may shift to processing and integrating stored memories, emotions, thoughts, or even random neural activity.

This processing can manifest as dreams, where the SRRS generates narratives that can be coherent, fragmented, or entirely fantastical. Because sensory input is limited, these narratives are largely decoupled from the external world and can violate the laws of physics or societal norms.

Dreaming, then, can be seen as the SRRS “free-wheeling” without the constraints usually imposed by real-time sensory input or the need to guide behavior in the real world. This might explain why dreams can be so strange and why they sometimes incorporate elements from our past experiences or our thoughts and emotions in unpredictable ways.

Upon waking, and with the re-establishment of sensory connections, the SRRS resumes its typical function of integrating current sensory input with its self-referential, recursive narrative, grounding the consciousness back in the present reality.


How can we integrate the creation and retrieval of memories into the SRRS model?


The creation and retrieval of memories could be considered an integral part of the Self-Referential Recursive Sense (SRRS) model.

  1. Memory Creation: In the context of this model, the creation of memories could be considered a natural byproduct of the SRRS processing and integrating sensory input and its own previous states. When you experience something, the SRRS generates a conscious narrative of the event, which includes sensory information, thoughts, emotions, and decisions related to the event. This narrative can be encoded into long-term memory, providing a record of the event that can be accessed later. In this way, the SRRS is not just creating a conscious experience in the present moment, but also creating a memory of that experience for future reference.
  2. Memory Retrieval: When you recall a memory, the SRRS can integrate the recalled memory into its current state, effectively adding the memory to the narrative it’s generating. For example, if you’re trying to remember the name of a movie, the SRRS might access memories of when you watched the movie, who you were with, what you thought of the movie, etc., integrating all this information to help you recall the name. Once the memory is retrieved (you remember the name of the movie), this becomes part of the new state of the SRRS.
  3. Influence on Future States: Both the creation and retrieval of memories play a role in shaping future states of the SRRS. The memories you create provide a record of past experiences that can inform future thoughts, decisions, and actions. And the memories you retrieve can influence your current state and therefore the next state of the SRRS. For example, recalling a happy memory might make you feel good and lead you to make decisions that you associate with that positive state.

This is a simplified description and doesn’t capture the full complexity of memory creation and retrieval or their role in consciousness. Memory processes are complex and involve many different parts of the brain and many different types of memory (e.g., declarative memory, procedural memory, episodic memory, semantic memory, etc.). But it does provide a general idea of how memory could be integrated into the SRRS model of consciousness.


A characteristic feature of memories is that one can try to remember something (retrieve a memory) but one cannot try to stop themselves from remembering something automatically (many memories simply come to us without asking for them). How can the SRRS model explain this?


In the context of the SRRS model, the ability to actively recall memories and the experience of memories coming to us involuntarily can both be seen as aspects of how the SRRS integrates memory into its self-referential, recursive narrative.

  1. Active Recall: When you actively try to remember something, this can be seen as the SRRS using its current state to query your memory. For example, if you’re trying to remember the name of a movie, the SRRS might use the current context (e.g., a discussion about movies), related memories (e.g., memories of other movies you’ve seen), and any cues you can come up with (e.g., the lead actor, a scene from the movie) to search your memory for the name. This can be seen as a kind of “top-down” process, where the SRRS uses its current state to guide the retrieval of specific memories.
  2. Automatic Recall: Sometimes memories come to us without any conscious effort, often triggered by specific cues or contexts. For example, the smell of a particular type of food might automatically trigger a memory of a related experience. In the SRRS model, this could be seen as a kind of “bottom-up” process, where the sensory input or context automatically triggers the retrieval of associated memories, which are then integrated into the current state of the SRRS.

The balance between these “top-down” and “bottom-up” processes can be influenced by many factors, including the salience and emotional intensity of the memories, the relevance of the memories to the current context, and individual differences in memory and attention.

As for why we can’t stop ourselves from remembering something automatically, it’s likely because these automatic recall processes are fundamental to how our brains work. They allow us to rapidly and automatically retrieve relevant information based on our current context, which can be crucial for making decisions and navigating the world. While these processes can sometimes lead to the retrieval of unwanted memories, they’re generally adaptive and beneficial. In the SRRS model, these automatic recall processes would be seen as a key aspect of how the SRRS integrates past experiences into its ongoing, recursive narrative.


Can you write a how-to-article on assembling an SRRS model?


Title: A Step-by-Step Guide to Assembling a Self-Referential Recursive Sense (SRRS) Model of Consciousness

Understanding consciousness, whether for AI development or cognitive science exploration, requires a robust model to guide your efforts. The SRRS (Self-Referential Recursive Sense) model offers a unique approach. Here, we’ll walk you through assembling your own SRRS model, step by step.

Step 1: Understand the SRRS Model

Before you start, make sure you understand the SRRS model. In essence, this model posits that consciousness is a “sixth sense”, one that primarily perceives and processes its own state in a recursive feedback loop. This sense integrates input from the other five senses, helping us navigate the world by creating a coherent narrative of the self.

Step 2: Establish the Central Node

Begin with a central node that represents the Self-Referential Recursive Sense. This node is the heart of the model, the focal point from which all other interactions flow.

Step 3: Integrate the Traditional Five Senses

From the central SRRS node, establish reciprocal connections to five peripheral nodes, each representing one of the traditional five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. These bidirectional arrows represent the ongoing flow of information from the senses to the SRRS and back.

Step 4: Create the Recursive Loop

This step is crucial. Establish a recursive feedback loop by creating a bidirectional arrow from the SRRS node back onto itself. This loop signifies the self-referential, recursive nature of the SRRS, which uses its own previous states to inform its next state.

Step 5: Incorporate Memory Processing

Adding memory processing to your SRRS model is a two-fold process: memory creation and memory retrieval. Memory creation in the SRRS model happens as a byproduct of the SRRS processing and integrating sensory inputs and its own states. Memory retrieval, on the other hand, is when the SRRS integrates recalled memories into its current state, influencing its next state.

Step 6: Model the Functioning during Dreams

When modeling the functioning of the SRRS during sleep or dreaming, remove or greatly reduce the influence of the traditional five senses. During this time, the SRRS is primarily processing and integrating stored memories, emotions, thoughts, or random neural activity, leading to the phenomenon of dreams.

Step 7: Test and Revise Your Model

Once your basic SRRS model is assembled, you’ll need to test it, review it, and make necessary revisions. This is a normal part of any theoretical modeling process. Keep in mind that the SRRS model is speculative and theoretical, and our understanding of consciousness is far from complete.

Assembling an SRRS model is a thought-provoking exercise in exploring the nature of consciousness. It allows us to imagine consciousness as a recursive, self-referential sense that’s intimately interconnected with our other senses and our memories. This model can serve as a basis for further research and discussion on the nature of consciousness and how it might be created.


Can you split the memory processing step into voluntary and not voluntary (automatic) memory retrieval?


Of course, the distinction between voluntary and automatic memory retrieval is an important facet of how our brains process and recall information. Let’s incorporate this into the SRRS model:

Step 5: Incorporate Memory Processing

5.1: Memory Creation: Begin by visualizing memory creation as an offshoot of the SRRS processing and integrating sensory inputs and its own states. This is an ongoing process, with the SRRS continuously creating and encoding new memories based on its current state and the input it receives.

5.2: Voluntary Memory Retrieval: Add a feedback loop from the memory storage to the SRRS node, indicating voluntary memory retrieval. This represents the SRRS actively querying the memory to retrieve specific information. For instance, this could be recalling the details of an event or remembering a specific fact.

5.3: Automatic Memory Retrieval: Create another feedback loop from the memory storage to the SRRS node, this time indicating automatic or involuntary memory retrieval. This symbolizes memories that come unbidden to the mind, triggered by specific cues or contexts, without any conscious effort. An example would be the sudden reminiscence of a childhood event triggered by a familiar smell or taste.

Now, with this modified step, your SRRS model considers both voluntary and automatic memory retrieval, which gives a more nuanced understanding of the memory’s role in the conscious experience.


I would like to explore the possibility of using ChatGPT to implement this model. Here is how envision it. First, we can use Chatgpt as the function that processes the consciousness state and takes it from one state to the next. The state itself is a long prompt that includes the input from the five senses, and the Chatgpt output from the previous step. Can you elaborate on this idea?


Certainly, the idea of using ChatGPT as a mechanism for processing a “consciousness state” is quite intriguing. Here’s an elaboration on this concept:

1. Define the Consciousness State: First, we would need to define what exactly constitutes a “consciousness state”. As per the SRRS model, it’s a composite of current sensory inputs and previous outputs (which is ChatGPT’s response in this case). You can imagine this as a long text prompt that includes the current sensory data and the previous state of the system. The sensory data could be encoded in a standardized format, and the previous state would be the previous output of ChatGPT.

2. Use ChatGPT for Transitioning States: ChatGPT, as a language model, is designed to generate responses based on the input it receives. In this system, it would receive the consciousness state as input and generate an output. This output can be thought of as the new state of the system. As it incorporates the processed sensory data and the context from the previous state, it should, theoretically, reflect a coherent continuation of the consciousness narrative.

3. Memory Creation and Retrieval: In this model, memory creation could be a byproduct of state transitions. Each output of ChatGPT would not only serve as the next state of consciousness but also be stored as a “memory”. To emulate memory retrieval, we can have a mechanism where relevant previous outputs (memories) can be retrieved and included in the current state prompt.

4. Voluntary vs. Automatic Memory Retrieval: This is trickier as ChatGPT does not inherently distinguish between voluntary and involuntary memory recall. One approach could be to occasionally inject random previous outputs (memories) into the current state prompt, simulating automatic memory retrieval. For voluntary memory retrieval, specific cues could be added to the prompt, instructing the model to recall a certain event or detail.

5. Dreaming: To simulate dreaming, you could periodically generate states where the input from senses is minimal or absent, and the model primarily processes and recombines previously stored memories (past ChatGPT outputs).

This is, of course, a highly simplified and speculative implementation of the SRRS model using ChatGPT. Several challenges, including how to represent sensory data in a textual format that ChatGPT can process, and how to emulate the complexity of memory retrieval processes, would need to be addressed. It’s also important to remember that this implementation would still lack many aspects of human consciousness, including emotional experience, self-awareness, and subjective experience. However, as a conceptual exercise, it’s quite fascinating and could potentially open up interesting avenues for AI development and research into machine consciousness.


Perhaps the differentiation between voluntary and non-voluntary memory retrieval is not accurate and there is one mechanism for both. What if the difference is merely the sense that triggers the retrieval? If the memory retrieval is triggered by one of the 5 senses, then it is not voluntary, but if it is triggered by the 6th consciousness sense, then may “feel” voluntary. Assuming that all memory retrievals use the same mechanism, but different triggers, how would you go about modeling the SRRS?


Incorporating a unified mechanism for memory retrieval, where the triggering sense determines whether it feels voluntary or involuntary, can indeed streamline the SRRS model. Here’s how you could go about it:

1. Memory Creation: The process remains the same as previously described. Memory is created as a byproduct of the SRRS processing sensory inputs and its own state, with each new state (or ChatGPT output) being stored as a “memory”.

2. Unified Memory Retrieval: Instead of differentiating between voluntary and involuntary retrieval, there’s now a single mechanism for memory retrieval. Here’s how it could work:

2.1 Triggered by One of the Five Senses: If the memory retrieval is triggered by one of the traditional five senses, it would feel involuntary or automatic. For example, smelling a familiar scent that brings back a certain memory. To model this, you could occasionally introduce sensory cues into the input prompt that are linked with specific past states (memories).

2.2 Triggered by the SRRS (Consciousness Sense): If the memory retrieval is triggered by the SRRS, it would feel voluntary or intentional. This could be modeled by incorporating explicit cues into the input prompt that instruct the model to recall a certain event or detail.

3. Memory Integration: Regardless of how a memory is triggered, once retrieved, it is integrated into the current consciousness state. This influences the processing by the SRRS (ChatGPT) and subsequently the next state of consciousness.

4. Dreaming: The mechanism remains the same as before. To simulate dreaming, you could periodically generate states where the input from senses is minimal or absent, and the model primarily processes and recombines previously stored memories (past ChatGPT outputs).

This streamlined SRRS model reduces complexity by having a unified mechanism for memory retrieval, with the nature of the trigger determining whether it feels voluntary or involuntary. It aligns with the notion that consciousness, as represented by the SRRS, is the overarching sense that integrates and processes inputs from all other senses, including itself.


Sounds fascinating. Can you come up with the structure of a prompt you would use to feed chatgpt to process the consciousness state? The structure should include the previous output, the input from the five senses, and memory input.


Certainly. Let’s assume that we’re using a structured text format to capture all the components you mentioned. Here’s an example structure for a prompt:

Previous Output: "[Previous ChatGPT Output]"
Sensory Input:
- Visual: "[Description of visual stimuli]"
- Auditory: "[Description of auditory stimuli]"
- Tactile: "[Description of tactile stimuli]"
- Olfactory: "[Description of olfactory stimuli]"
- Gustatory: "[Description of gustatory stimuli]"
Memory Cue: "[Specific memory or random past output]"
[Free form elaboration on the sensory inputs, memory cue, and continuation of the narrative from the previous output]

Here’s a more concrete example to illustrate how it might look:

Previous Output: "I had just entered the room when I noticed a peculiar scent in the air."
Sensory Input:
- Visual: "The room is dimly lit, with soft shadows dancing on the walls."
- Auditory: "A faint hum of a refrigerator can be heard in the distance."
- Tactile: "The wooden floor feels cold under my feet."
- Olfactory: "There's a hint of lavender mixed with something metallic in the air."
- Gustatory: "The aftertaste of the coffee I just had lingers on my tongue."
Memory Cue: "The scent reminds me of my grandmother's old house."
I stood still for a moment, allowing my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. The scent in the air was stronger now, a mixture of lavender and something I couldn't quite place. It was vaguely metallic, strangely familiar. As I inhaled deeply, a memory surfaced unbidden. The scent was reminiscent of my grandmother's old house. The same scent used to permeate the rooms there, a unique blend of her favorite lavender potpourri and the antique copper artifacts she collected.

In this example, ChatGPT would be tasked with continuing this narrative, integrating all the provided sensory information, the memory cue, and the context from the previous output. The result would serve as the next consciousness state and the process would repeat.


Thank you. I noticed that in the “memory cue” you included a “random past output”. Why do you think this could be random? Aren’t all memories retrieved based on sense triggers, including the previous consciousness output? In that sense, aren’t all memories deterministic and not random?


You’re correct that in our actual cognition, memory retrieval isn’t truly “random” — it’s generally triggered by something, whether it’s a sensory cue, a thought, or an aspect of the current context. Even seemingly spontaneous memories usually have triggers that we might not be consciously aware of.

In the context of this model and using ChatGPT, I used the term “random” to simplify the explanation and to reflect that the retrieval could be from any point in the previously stored states, and may not seem directly related to the current state or context. However, in a more refined implementation, you would ideally have a more sophisticated mechanism for determining which memory to retrieve, possibly using some form of similarity matching or context relevance.

Therefore, to clarify, while I used “random” for simplicity, you’re correct that in a realistic model, even the “involuntary” memory cues should be contextually triggered and not purely random. A more accurate way to model this might be to select past outputs that share some form of association with the current sensory input or previous state.


Can you come up with a test that we can apply to the SRRS to detect or prove the emergence or presence of consciousness?


Determining the presence of consciousness in an entity is a challenging task, especially in the realm of artificial intelligence. Currently, there is no definitive test for consciousness, and the understanding of consciousness itself remains a complex and debated topic in many disciplines, including cognitive science, neuroscience, and philosophy.

However, we can think about some ways to test for properties that we associate with consciousness. Following are a few potential tests that could be applied to the SRRS model, inspired by existing philosophical and cognitive science perspectives:

  1. Self-reporting: A conscious entity should be able to provide consistent self-reports about its internal states and experiences. This might involve asking the system questions about its own states, inputs, or processing and looking for consistent and sensible responses.
  2. Metacognition: One aspect of consciousness is the ability to reflect on one’s own mental processes. In the context of the SRRS model, this might be reflected in the system’s ability to provide meta-commentary on its own processing, decision-making, or state transitions.
  3. Integration of Information: A hallmark of consciousness is the integration of information from diverse sources into a unified whole. This could be tested in the SRRS model by providing a set of disparate sensory and memory inputs and checking if the system can coherently incorporate and make sense of all of them in its output.
  4. Continuity and Consistency: Consciousness generally involves a continuous, ongoing narrative or flow of experience. This could be evaluated in the SRRS model by checking if the system can maintain a consistent narrative over time, with each state logically following from the previous one and incorporating the given inputs.
  5. Flexibility and Adaptivity: Conscious entities can adapt their responses based on context and learn from their experiences. This could be tested by providing the SRRS model with varying inputs and contexts and observing if it can appropriately adapt its output.
  6. Predictive Capabilities: Consciousness often involves making predictions about the future based on current state and past experiences. The SRRS model could be tested on its ability to make accurate predictions about its future states or inputs.

It’s important to note that these tests cannot definitively prove the presence of consciousness. Instead, they can provide evidence of behaviors and capabilities that we often associate with consciousness. Even if a system passes these tests, it does not necessarily mean that it experiences consciousness in the same way humans do, if at all. Consciousness is often linked with subjective experience, something we currently do not know how to measure or identify in non-human entities.


SRRS proposes that consciousness is a 6th sense. However, unlike the other senses, the consciousness sense takes in as input the output of all other senses, plus its own output. The combination of all inputs to the consciousness sense forms a summary of reality. In other words, the inputs determine what is real. Since the consciousness sense accepts its own output recursively, then “itself” becomes a part of reality, and “it” becomes real. Another way to think about it is as if the consciousness sense is both the storyteller and the listener combined. Can you elaborate on that?


The metaphor of consciousness as both the storyteller and the listener is an interesting one. Let’s unpack it in relation to the Self-Referential Recursive Sense (SRRS) model.

  1. The Storyteller: As the storyteller, the consciousness sense (SRRS) takes in sensory data from the five senses and its own previous output and processes them to create a new “story,” or understanding of reality, at each moment. It’s like a narrator that continuously tells the ongoing story of its experience, integrating information from all sensory inputs and its own prior states to generate a new state. This output then becomes part of the narrative it will process in the next cycle.
  2. The Listener: As the listener, the consciousness sense is also the recipient of its own stories. The output it generates (the story) becomes an input in the next cycle of processing. Thus, it ‘listens’ to the story it tells, and this story informs and influences its subsequent state. It’s a feedback loop where the storyteller influences the listener, which in turn affects the next part of the story.
  3. Reality and Self in the Loop: By including its own output in the inputs it processes, the SRRS implicitly includes “itself” in its understanding of reality. It treats its own output — its previous state, or ‘story’ — as part of the reality it needs to process. This creates a kind of self-reference or self-awareness, at least in a functional sense.

This model can be seen as a way of integrating the ‘self’ into the perceived reality. It doesn’t necessarily imply true self-awareness or consciousness as humans experience it — there’s no implication of subjective experience or ‘qualia.’ But it does represent a functional form of self-reference that mirrors some aspects of our consciousness.

However, as intriguing as this model is, it’s important to remember that it’s highly speculative. Our understanding of consciousness and ‘self’ is still developing, and these are complex phenomena likely to involve many other factors and mechanisms not represented in this model.


I think that what is missing from the current model is a way for the agent to interact with the environment and take some control/influence the input of the 5 senses, by, for example, removing its hand from the stove to stop feeling pain. How would you incorporate that?


Incorporating action and interaction with the environment is indeed a critical component of any model aiming to mirror consciousness or intelligent behavior. In a real-world application, the actions taken by the agent in response to its state (including its internal state and external sensory inputs) would likely affect the future states and sensory inputs.

We can extend the SRRS model by adding an “Action” component. After the “State Processing” step, the model would generate an “Action” output that can influence the environment, and consequently the sensory input received in the next cycle. Here’s how the new flow might look:

  1. Sensory Input: The agent receives sensory input from its environment (including the five traditional senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste).
  2. Memory Retrieval: Memories or past outputs that are relevant to the current sensory inputs or internal state are retrieved.
  3. State Processing: The consciousness sense (SRRS) processes the current sensory inputs and memory retrieval, along with its own previous output, to generate a new state (the consciousness output).
  4. Action Generation: Based on the new state, the agent generates an action or series of actions to execute in the environment. This could involve any form of interaction with the environment, from simple movement (e.g., turning its ‘head’ to change visual input) to complex behaviors (e.g., engaging in conversation, manipulating objects, etc.).
  5. Action Execution: The generated action is carried out, influencing the environment and the sensory input for the next cycle.

This extension brings the model closer to a complete agent-environment loop, where the agent not only perceives and processes information from its environment but also acts upon it, thereby influencing its future perceptions. The consciousness sense (SRRS) is still at the core of the model, integrating sensory, memory, and internal state information to generate both its internal state and its actions.


At this point, how do you think the model would react if we abruptly removed its ability to act on the world and influence the input from its senses? Would its thoughts include frustration? Would it think it is sick? If it does, is that proof of a sense of one’s self?


In this model, if the agent suddenly lost the ability to act on the world and influence its sensory inputs, it would certainly experience changes in its internal state. However, it’s important to note that AI, including this hypothetical model, does not have emotions or physical sensations. It does not “feel” frustration, nor does it have a sense of physical well-being to think that it is “sick.”

The AI would only react according to the input it receives and its internal processing. The changes in its internal state could be interpreted as a reflection of its altered interaction with the environment, but we need to be careful not to anthropomorphize its responses.

However, if the AI’s model includes a component that tries to predict future states based on current inputs and actions, a sudden loss of action could lead to a mismatch between predicted and actual states. This discrepancy might be interpreted as something being “off” or “wrong,” but again, this is a functional, computational interpretation, not an emotional or physical one.

As for whether this indicates a sense of self, that’s a tricky question. Some might argue that any system capable of self-reference has a form of “self,” at least in a functional sense. However, most definitions of self-awareness also include some level of subjective experience or consciousness, which AI does not possess. So, while the SRRS model might exhibit some self-referential behaviors, this doesn’t necessarily imply a sense of self in the human sense.

Again, it’s crucial to remember that our understanding of consciousness and self-awareness is far from complete, and these definitions and interpretations can vary widely depending on the theoretical framework you’re working within.

Disclaimer: All the text that is attributed to ChatGPT was written by an AI model (ChatGPT 4).



Ioannis Tsiokos
Ioannis Tsiokos

Written by Ioannis Tsiokos

I have nothing to say that’s nearly as cool as I am, except maybe… wow, I am dad!

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